martes, 31 de enero de 2017

Animals project in 3rd grade

At the beginning of the 2nd term, the kids of 3rd grade have been studying in Science all kinds of animals. The teacher divided them in groups and each group had to be an expert of that kind of animals.
During two weeks, children have researched information, brought photos and drawings to class, and during the Science lessons they have been working on their poster. The main objective was to learn about animals but also to know how to work cooperatively and effectively in groups.
At the end of the task, each group had to do an oral presentation about their project. For preparing that, the teacher gave them some clues of how could they begin their exposition and they had to add the information they found for doing their poster.

The result was amazing! They learnt a lot about all kind of animals, they enjoyed working in groups and they prepared such an amazing exposition for all the class!
Here are some photos to prove it:

And the final results!

At the end of the presentations, the teacher prepared a chart where every group had to evaluate the other groups and themselves, doing the exercise of co-evaluation and self-evaluation.

sábado, 28 de enero de 2017

The Food Pyramid

The kids of 3rd grade were studying the food in Science. The teacher asked them to bring to class different publicity catalogs about food from different supermarkets and shops. The teacher divided them in groups of 4 or 5 kids and they had to complete a piece of cardboard sticking the aliments they found in their catalogs. Every group had to choose which aliments of their publicity catalogs suited with the kind of food they had to complete. The aim was to build a Food Pyramid with all the pieces of cardboard of each group.
The kinds of food were: Carbohydrates, Vitamins and minerals (2 groups), Proteins (2 groups) and Fats.

viernes, 27 de enero de 2017

La Castanyera and Halloween. A mix between different traditions

Some students from 6th grade did a play about La Castanyera and Halloween. They wanted to do a mixture between the two different traditions and, why not, doing a mixture of both English and Spanish languages too. Kids from all ages from the school went to see the play and they all had a really good time with it!

Re-creating bones x-ray!

The kids of 2nd of Primary were so interested in how were taken the X-Ray and how they looked. After talking about it, the teacher thought it could be interesting to do a little project about the X-Rays, because the children were so motivated with it and they could learn a lot experimenting through learning.
So after talking about X-Rays in class, the teacher asked the kids to take some real X-Rays they had at home from them or from their family. The next day a lot of kids wanted to explain to the rest of the pupils their own X-Rays they had brought to class.
The teacher took some X-Rays too from her home and finally they did a selection of the X-Rays they liked the most and those were sticked on the window of the classroom.

Finally, in groups they re-created an X-Ray on a poster drawing one of the real X-Ray of the window and wrote the different bones they could see on it.

When every group finished their poster, they explained in English what they did and which bones they could see in their own X-Ray. The result was excellent!!

Dancing bones!

The class of 2nd of Primary did a great job in the Science class. They built a human skeleton!
Before doing it, they were a couple of weeks studying the different main bones we have in our body as well as the parts of the body, and finally they sticked on the wall the different bones the teacher had prepared for them. The final result was amazing and they enjoyed it a lot at the same time they were learning!

Moreover, during these days we learnt to dance the "Dancing Bones" song and we sticked on a paper the bones of a human skeleton doing a funny movement!

This is our body!

In 1st of Primary class, we studied the parts of the body. After working so hard in Science and after we learnt all the parts, kids created a poster with pictures of all of them showing their talent!
The posters were sticked on the walls of the class and they can always look at them when they want to talk about a part of their body in Science lessons.

These are some of the photos the teacher took them for doing the posters:

And this was the final result!

jueves, 26 de enero de 2017

Kindergarten 4 years old kids-Learning animals

IMG 8526 from Carla Garuz on Vimeo.

We are learning animals through a strorybook. We always make a big circe to hear the story.
The students love learning new stories and repeat new sentences! They are are great speakig English.