miércoles, 24 de enero de 2018

Little project with plants in 2nd grade

This second term we have been working about plants in Science. Kids have learnt all the parts of the plants and also what they need to live. As the end of this little project, they have created in groups a poster about a plant they like and they wrote all the parts of it. Then, they explained orally to the rest of the pupils.
They enjoyed it so much!

The 5 senses in 1st grade

In Science class, I made the introduction to the 5 senses to the kids of 1st grade. The understood the main concepts of each sense and after some weeks working a little on them, they elaborated a poster in groups about all the 5 senses. Finally, the posters were sticked on the wall of their class.

Prehistoric necklaces workshop

In Projects class, kids from 1st and 2nd grade did a workshop in english. The activity was about to create their own prehistoric necklace with rope, mud and a shell.
Every child created the shapes they liked with the mud and the next week they put the little pieces into the piece of rope. 
The result was amazing and they could bring their prehistoric necklaces to home!

The five senses in 2nd grade

Last term, kids from 2nd grade learnt more about the 5 senses in Science lessons. At the end of the unit, they created a little poster about each of the senses and they did an oral presentation in groups.
Here you are the process and the result of it!

Playing "Memory" in Projects class

The first term of the this course we worked with 1st Kids Stage the Project about The Prehistory and they could learn different vocabulary about objects and things from that period playing the game of "Memory".
They enjoyed so much and they learnt a lot of things about The Prehistory!!